We all have sinned, we all have fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). We all have been guilty of judging others who sin (as if their sin was worse than ours). So why then do we continue in this cycle of death? Even the apostle Paul struggled with sin, in fact, prior to being saved by grace, he had christians put to death. So if Jesus chose a murderer to become paramount to the spread of His Gospel, then how much more will Jesus choose you? 1 Timothy 1:15.
I have done things in my life that are unspeakable and though I did not deserve His love, Jesus poured out his love on me and he wiped my past clean so that I may walk in the freedom of His grace and love. Even after being saved, I continued and still continue to struggle with sin. The difference in me now is that I choose not to stay there and instead choose to let God move me from Glory to Glory (2 Corinthians 3:18). What does Glory to Glory mean?
Glory to Glory means that when you submit yourself to God’s will, he gradually increases himself in you and as God’s Holy Spirit comes in, your ability to resist the devil when he tempts you in your former sins increases exponentially. God’s word says that when tempted, first submit yourself to God (this is step 1), then resist the devil (this is step 2), and the devil MUST flee from you (James 4:7). That’s right, this is a two step program (a lot leaner than that 12 step program they talk about). Not that I am belittling the 12 step program, it has helped many become free from alcoholism. The point is that God has sent the helper (the Holy Spirit) to give us power and strength to overcome the works of the devil.
What are the works of the devil? BONDAGE, the devil loves to keep people in bondage. What is bondage? Bondage is when you are BOUND by something. Take cigarettes for example. When you are addicted to cigarettes, you are BOUND by them. They interrupt time with family, time at work that you could be more productive, and they hinder your health. When you let other things control you, you are BOUND by them. See what I did there? I said you are bound BY them, not TO them.
What does it mean to be bound by something? It means that you are a SLAVE to whatever you are bound by (Romans 6:20). We continuously look for alternate solutions to these bondages. For example, “the patch” as if feeding ourselves nicotine will somehow free us from it. IT MAKES NO SENSE! So, what then is the answer? The answer is to go to the one who can make it as if you never smoked a day in your life (Psalms 103:12, Hebrews 2:14). How is this possible? In the worldly sense, it is NOT POSSIBLE. In fact, it violates the natural laws of this world.
But, Jesus is NOT from this world (John 18:36), nor is He bound by its laws. So, if we then make the decision that we no longer want to be BOUND BY whatever it is that binds us, we then need to first confess with our mouths that Jesus died on the cross for our sins and confess that he is Lord over our lives (Romans 10:9). Step two might surprise you… Step two is to forgive others that you have been holding grudges against in your life. You see, God’s word says that we must first forgive others before we can receive forgiveness (Matthew 6:15 ). Without this forgiveness you cannot be free!
Step three is to submit yourself to God’s will (remember step 1 for resisting temptation?) step four is resist the devil, and the final step (there is no final step), at this point the devil MUST FLEE FROM YOU. What I have written here to you today is one of the most cherished secrets of Heaven. It is also the most forgotten about secrets of Heaven (Matthew 13:11). So if you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, or any other sins that keep them in shame and in bondage, please share this with them and most importantly, share Jesus with them, He is the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE (John 14:6).
“Jesus, I believe that you were sent by God to die for my sins and that you rose on the third day to bring life back to those who are walking in sin and death. Right now I don’t know you very well, but I want to know you and I ask that you become Lord over my life and guide me into all truth. Right now I release all grudges that I have been holding against those in my life who hurt me, I forgive them and I ask that you forgive me of my sins and give me a pure heart and clean hands. I thank you Jesus for loving me and for forgiving me.